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Why choose low-code?

Why choose low-code?

Faster development, better collaboration
What is Low-Code?
Low-code is an innovative approach to software development that enables rapid creation and deployment of digital solutions for private or public organizations of any size, from small projects to large-scale enterprise systems. The low-code platforms are designed to be highly secure and versatile, capable of addressing the unique needs of each department within an organization. With low-code, innovation is accelerated, empowering companies to quickly adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Low-code: A Closer Look

Visual programming, pre-built blocks
Applications are developed using visual coding, pre-designed blocks, and modules, sparing developers from lengthy code-writing processes. This method shortens development time by a factor of 6–10, enables simpler extensions, and maintains great security standards.
Complete software development
From accounting and CRM systems to complex infrastructure projects, low-code delivers tailored solutions for enterprises. With successful deployments serving tens of thousands of users, low-code platforms proves their ability to replace traditional languages and frameworks like Java or .NET.
Business and Developers Synergy
Low-code platforms democratize application development, allowing individuals with different levels of technical expertise, such as citizen developers and business users, to play a role. This results in the quick and efficient delivery of solutions that accurately fulfill the needs of stakeholders and users.
Traditional programming compared with visual low-code development

Businesses and industries utilizing low-code platforms

Barclays uses low code
ING uses low code
Allianz uses low code
EY uses low code
Walmart uses low code
The Home Depot uses low code
Starbucks Coffee uses low code
New Balance uses low code
Airbus uses low-code
Siemens uses low-code
Continental uses low-code
Mitsubishi electric uses low-code
DHL uses low-code
The Boston Globe uses low code
GE uses low code
Veolia uses low code
NHS uses low-code
Mercsk uses low code
Bayer uses low code
Sanofi uses low code
Public sector
Dutch railways use low-code
Berkeley university uses low code
Rotterdam city uses low-code
HM Treasury uses low-code
“By 2026, low-code development tools will account for 75 % of new application development.”


Forecast Analysis: Low-Code Development Technologies

Benefits of leveraging low-code platforms

Low-code Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development (RAD): Low-code platforms enable developers to build applications much faster than traditional coding methods. With accelerated development cycles and simplified workflows, low-code platforms enable organizations to bring new applications to market more quickly.

Low-code Accessibility for Non-Technical Users

Accessibility for Non-Technical Users: Low-code platforms empower both professional developers and business users to build applications efficiently. Professional developers can focus on high-value tasks while using pre-built components, while citizen developers can easily create simple applications for themselves.

Low-code Built-in Security Features

Built-in Security Features: Leading low-code platforms incorporate robust security features to protect applications and safeguard data against potential threats. These include role-based access control, encryption, authentication mechanisms, and compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Low--code Collaboration and Transparency

Collaboration and Transparency: Low-code platforms promote collaboration and transparency throughout the development process by providing centralized repositories, version control systems, and collaboration tools. This fosters teamwork, improves communication, and ensures alignment between stakeholders.

Low-code Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability and Flexibility: Low-code platforms are designed to accommodate scalability and adaptability requirements, allowing applications to grow and evolve alongside changing business needs. Developers can easily modify and extend applications as necessary, ensuring they remain relevant and effective over time.

Low-code Integration Capabilities

Integration Capabilities: Many low-code platforms offer built-in integration capabilities, enabling seamless connectivity with existing systems and third-party services. This facilitates data sharing, workflow automation, and cross-platform compatibility, enhancing the overall functionality and usability of applications.

Classic coding obstacles…

Long time to market
Long deliver cycles results in reduced quality due to omitted features and the inability to adapt at the right time.
Communication barrier between business and IT
A significant portion, roughly 40%, of the development cycle is consumed by revisiting and refining code. Business people complain that they are not getting exactly what they need and want.
Shortage of developers impacts delivery timelines
Filling open software engineering positions with college graduates holding CS degrees would take 8 years. Additionally, nearly 30% of software projects experience delays exceeding 6 months.
Tools, data and development teams incoherence
Among team leaders and project managers, there is a prevailing belief—held by 70%—that corporate data and technology standards pertain solely to IT departments, not to them.

…overcomed with low-code

Short time to market
Development in modern low-code platforms is several times faster than traditional software development methods.
Business and IT communication harmonized
Low-code simplifies communication, ensuring fulfillment of business needs. Business experts can be directly involved in the development and influence the product.
Rapid delivery, outstanding support for beginners
The visual modeling significantly accelerates training for junior developers and non-coding talents, allowing medium and senior developers to seamlessly join existing projects.
Seamless business integration and oversight
Low-code integrates and streamlines data access and development workflows, empowering cross-functional teams to collaborate seamlessly and fuel innovation rapidly.